Notices eProcurement System Government of Uttarakhand
  Tenders/Auctions Closing Today
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S.No e-Published Date Bid Submission Closing Date Tender Opening Date Title and Ref.No./Tender ID Organisation Chain
1. 21-Jan-2025 10:00 AM 11-Feb-2025 11:00 AM 11-Feb-2025 03:00 PM [Supply of Apple Seedling, Wild Apricot Seedling, Wild Peach, Kiwi and Wanut Seedlings for 2024-25] [UUHF/REG/582/2024-25][2025_UHF_79526_1] VC-Uttrakhand University of Horticulture and Forestry Bharsar Pauri Garhwal||Finance Controller (UUHF)||Dy. Comptroller
2. 03-Dec-2024 04:00 PM 11-Feb-2025 01:00 PM 12-Feb-2025 01:00 PM [Demarcation of substation land and construction of barbed wire fencing on boundaries of land for 220/33 kV GIS Substation at Village- Billa, Naugaon, Barkot (Distt.- Uttarkashi)] [01/SE(C)P/PTCUL/E-Tender/D.Dun][2024_PTCU8_78449_1] MD (Power Transmisison Corporation of Uttarakhand Limited)||SE Civil (Project)
3. 22-Jan-2025 06:00 PM 11-Feb-2025 01:00 PM 11-Feb-2025 01:30 PM [Improvement and Damrikaran of Kalika Dalmoti Motor Road Block Dwarahat of District Almora.] [149/8AC(Tender Notice) Date 21-01-2025][2025_pwd_79539_1] PWD||1st Circle Almora
4. 03-Feb-2025 06:00 PM 11-Feb-2025 02:00 PM 11-Feb-2025 03:00 PM [Construction of Store and Approach road , Special Maintenance and Repair of Control Room Building , SDO office and BSK office and Raising of Boundary Wall and other miscellaneous Civil works at 33 K V S/S Manglore , Roorkee.] [ECC-72/2024-25][2025_UPCL8_79858_1] MD - UPCL||CE (Civil)||SE (Civil)
5. 03-Feb-2025 06:00 PM 11-Feb-2025 02:00 PM 11-Feb-2025 03:00 PM [Construction of Boundary Wall/Fencing and Other Miscellaneous Civil Works at 33/11 KV Sub Station Simarkhal (Pauri Garhwal).] [ECC-73/2024-25][2025_UPCL8_79861_1] MD - UPCL||CE (Civil)||SE (Civil)
6. 04-Feb-2025 01:15 PM 11-Feb-2025 02:00 PM 11-Feb-2025 03:00 PM [Construction of Meter Store and miscellaneous Civil works for Electricity Test Division Roorkee , Haridwar.] [ECC-76/2024-25][2025_UPCL8_79871_1] MD - UPCL||CE (Civil)||SE (Civil)
7. 04-Feb-2025 01:15 PM 11-Feb-2025 02:00 PM 11-Feb-2025 03:00 PM [Construction of Store/Record Room , Raising of old Boundary wall and Miscellaneous Civil Works ] [ECC-75/2024-25][2025_UPCL8_79869_1] MD - UPCL||CE (Civil)||SE (Civil)
8. 04-Feb-2025 01:15 PM 11-Feb-2025 02:00 PM 11-Feb-2025 03:00 PM [Civil Works Related to Special Maintenance and Repair of Control Room Building , SDO office , Bijli Sewa Kendra and Boundary Wall at 33 K V S/S Foundary Gate Jawalapur , Haridwar .] [ECC-74/2024-25][2025_UPCL8_79867_1] MD - UPCL||CE (Civil)||SE (Civil)
9. 28-Jan-2025 05:05 PM 11-Feb-2025 03:00 PM 11-Feb-2025 03:30 PM [Electrification and Allied works at Govt Degree College Maldevta (Raipur) Dehradun] [2847/BRIDCUL/233/25 Dated 27.01.2025][2025_BRID3_79647_1] MD - BRIDCUL||General Manager (Civil/Project)||PM (Dehradun)||RE
10. 29-Jan-2025 04:00 PM 11-Feb-2025 03:00 PM 11-Feb-2025 03:30 PM [Electrification and Allied works at Office and Barrack at SDRF Post Mauja Koruwa (Chakrata)] [2847/BRIDCUL/233/25 Dated 27.01.2025][2025_BRID3_79647_2] MD - BRIDCUL||General Manager (Civil/Project)||PM (Dehradun)||RE
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